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This drill will be sure to put your reactions to the test. The goalkeeper starts off with a ball in hand. They throw the ball to the side before taking care of a long range strike. After this strike, the GK then deals with a 1 on 1 situation, either smothering the ball or staying up on their feet as long as possible, waiting for the striker to shoot or a mistake of which they can pounce on.
1. The GK starts in the goal with a ball in their hands.
2. On the coaches commands the GK drops the ball a few yards in front and sets themselves for a strike from either server.
3. The GK deals with the first strike by catching or making a save. If the GK catches, they must throw the ball clear.
4. As soon as the first ball is clear, the GK must then either smother the second ball or deal with a 1 v 1 against the server, keeping on their feet as long as possible.
GK Set Position | Correct Action to Save | Decision Making | Staying Up As Long As Possible
Vary the distance of shots from inside the area to out.